Thursday, March 17, 2011


Resveratrol cancer

Resveratrol has been dubbed as the most potent antioxidant of the 21st century and has received much commend since studies released in 2006 indicated its health benefits. Many have queried whether it can repress cancerous cells and resveratrol and prostrate cancer cure have been linked many times.

If you are male then this news is excellent news as prostate problems is one of the most common cancers in men similar to breast cancer in women and the linkage between resveratrol and prostate trouble is really exciting indeed.

Resveratrol can be found in many dark skinned fruits such as raspberries, cranberries, blueberries,red grapes plus Japanese knot weed, peanuts and cacao.

The results of contemporary testing have been encouraging so it would seem prudent for men in the over fifty age bracket, the likeliest to suffer because of this form of cancer, to consider taking a resveratrol supplement on a regular basis. In fact as resveratrol has plenty of other health benefits such as fighting diabetes, reducing the aging process, helping to reduce wrinkles and age spots and boosting energy it'd be a good supplement to take simply for improving over all health whatever your age and gender.

More on Resveratrol