Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale -Slow Progress

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Slow building Progress

Our visit to check on progress of our Dipolog house and lot for sale today was disappointing. Our expectations were that work would have started on the second floor walls. The reality was that they are still working on the floor and apparently had run out of re bar and awaiting more. This slow progress is unacceptable, so we put in a complaint to the developers Mediatrix Homes. Having paid cash in advance there should never be a shortage of material, and this is the second time in a month work has been delayed. yes you could blame the weather, the public holidays Etc, but in reality it is lack of project planning.

We have requested a copy of the project schedule and require a status on all materiel which we have selected and are needed to complete our Dipolog house. We now fear that there will be further delays with Christmas fast approaching which means many more holidays on the horizon. We need to nip this matter in the bud now and get the project back on course. I now wish we had stuck to out guns and insisted on stage payments to ensure not only are house was completed in a timely manner but also to ensure the cash we paid was solely used against out project

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale - Electricity Supply

Dipolog house and lot for sale


The electricity to provide power to your Dipolog house and lot will be supplied from overhead power line and one thing you will notice is the poles are mot very high with the result that the power lines sag and can be snagged by high sided commercial vehicles. I have seen this happen even in the centre of Dipolog city. I am not sure why the lines are not placed on higher poles which in addition to keeping them clear of traffic might also reduce illegal connections. I can understand that laying cables underground might not be an option due to frequent flooding.

Compared to the rest of the Philippines, the cost of electricity in Mindaneao at the moment is much lower as over %0% of the power is supplied by hydro and geothermal power power stations, but this is set to change as there is talk of privatising these aging supply sources.

For some reason the Government seems to be restricting the use of solar power despite the Philippine Solar Power Alliance (PSPA), urging the National Renewable Energy Board (NREB) to increase to 230 megawatts the total allowed capacity of the solar energy facilities that will be put up in the country over the next three years. NREB's initial proposal was only 100 MW.

According to the PSPA, government data showed that there are 44 solar power projects awaiting approval for their service contracts. These projects can generate a combined 420 MW should their contracts be approved. A large number of them will be located at Mindanao, specifically in Davao, Zamboanga, Misamis and Cagayan de Oro.

Many people who own property discover that some high load appliances do not work due to low voltage supply and have to purchase or rent transformers to resolve the situation. If more power sources were feeding the grid this would not be necessary.

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dipolog City Health care

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Health care

Some people who purchase a house for sale in Dipolog city might be concerned about health care. One thing is sure, even though the cost is low, the standards are high with many practitioners having trained overseas in Western countries or Australia. The equipment in state hospitals may be dated but Private hospitals are well equipped.

I have used dental clinics in both Dipolog city and Sindangan, and whilst the exterior may seem rundown, the equipment inside has been brand new incorporating the latest technologies. Compared to Malaysia where I recently moved from I would say local dental clinic are better equipped.

One thing it is difficult to purchase in Dipolog City is Original Sunglasses, there are plenty of fakes which may be cheaper but just do not compare, so if you plan to stay sometime ensure you bring good glasses with you to protect your eyes.

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

We paid a further visit to out Dipolog house for sale and the weekend and progress remains slow, but it is beginning to take shape as a House. We expect the final concrete poring of the ground floor walls to be completed in the coming week and work to start on the upper floor.

We took the opportunity during our visit to Dipolog to check out the white sand beach of Dakak. Unfortunately the beach resort charges an entrance fee, even if you a merely seeking about the resort for future use, which seems a strange way to market a business and is perhaps a reason why the resort is under under utilised. The beach resort itself is undergoing renovation and the staff are not particularly friendly. Yes there is a great white sand beach, the sand having being imported, as white sand is not normal in Zanorte. I am not sure I would recommend this place to anyone visiting Dipolog City.

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

we were disappointed with the slow progress on our Dipolog house and lot for sale it appears that the developers ran out of materials, which apparently is quite common in the Philippines. I suspect is is something to do with cash flow as some companies rely on new customers money to complete existing projects which is not a good practice.

The secondhand property market appears to be in the doldrums at the moment with houses over 6Million Peso's not showing much movement. I know of a few properties which have been on the market since last year. the question is are buyers being hesitant due to the present financial situation or are the properties themselves overpriced, I believe it is a bit of both and if they need to sell they need to bring the prices down.

The resident engineer is hoping that work will commence on the 2nd floor next week once the worker finish off the carport and patio facade. We made one minor change to the design, change the way the door to the storage area at the bottom of the stairs opens, to make access easier.

Dipolog house and lot

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

The weather in Mindaneao has not been very good over the past ten days with lots of rain and thunderstorms, so it will be interesting to find out how progress is going on our Dipolog house and lot for sale.

We have started planning ahead for our garden buying some small varieties of trees such as Mango and limon trees and are also planning to grow our our own lemon trees to either make out own lemonade or mix with Gin and Tonic, as they are hard to source locally.

We have also been experimenting with reducing our water consumption, we had a leaking toilet some months ago which in one month doubled our consumption. We adjusted the ball cock to shut off the overflow but have no taken it a stage further and reduced our consumption by a further 30% by readjusting the filling level. We have a dual flush system, now the short flush if fine for pee, with the longer flush for solids.

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Buying a property can be a time consuming and stressful experience. You will experience a roller coaster of emotions while finding the right place, securing the loan and finally moving in. For people, the first time home purchase is the largest investment ever considered. The emotions of purchasing something so expensive and personal can often cloud our business judgment.

Unfortunately people looking to purchase a Dipolog house and lot for sale do any or little research before they invest in property so below are a few key points to consider so a not to make common mistakes.

What Can You Afford

You need to sit down with your professional real estate agent and honestly discuss your income level and living expenses. Take into account future considerations, children, add-ons, amenities, and fix-ups. Your dream home is certainly worth a sacrifice but don't mortgage your entire future. Where possible buy with cash as taking a loan gives a false feeling of security and if your income reduces for any reason you will still need to meet the mortgage payments.


Adverts are designed to sell houses and highlight the good features whilst hiding the drawbacks that are not mentioned in the ad, such as traffic noise, power lines, or litigation in the community. What's not mentioned in the ad is usually more important than what is. Is a matter of buyer beware. Be very careful when reading ads. Remember that the person writing the ad is representing the seller and not you! The most important thing you can do is have someone on your side looking out for your best interests.

House Hunting

Before house hunting, make a list of things you want in your new house. Then make a list of the things you don't want. You can use this list as a guide to rate each property that you see. The one with the biggest score wins! This helps avoid confusion and keeps things in perspective when you're comparing dozens of homes.

Style and Substance

When house hunting, keep in mind the difference between Style and Substance. Substance are things that cannot be changed such as the location, view, size of lot, noise in the area, school district, and floor plans. Style represents easily changed surface finishes like carpet, wallpaper, colour, and window coverings. Select a house with the best Substance, because you can always change the style to match your tastes.

View a choice of homes

See at least 7-10 properties. Do not just jump at the first property you see look as a selection of properties which suit you lifestyle. With your agent's help you should be able to view enough properties to get a good overall perspective of the home market. When you find the right property all the leg work will be worth it. Check out all costs and expenses before you put in an offer. Utilities, taxes, insurance, maintenance and home owner dues if applicable. Make sure all utilities are in working order during your walk-through. Ask lots of questions and be very detail conscious.


Once you have a short list of houses you like its time to get a professional valuer or surveyor to produce an inspection report.Go over the inspection report with a fine tooth comb. For gated communities or condo purchases go over the By-Laws and Association Fees. Don't take anything for granted inspect everything.

Imagine the property empty

Unless you are buying the house contents you need to ignore how the house is furnished because you will be adding your own furniture, check that doors and stairways are wide enough to get your furniture in.

Put in An Offer

All promises and discussions should be in writing. Don't make any assumptions or believe any assurances. Even the best intentions can be misinterpreted. Have your professional keep an ongoing log in writing of all discussions and get the seller's written approval on all agreements.Closing dates are not written in stone. Allow for contingencies and have a back-up plan. If you or the sellers need a little more time to conclude the final arrangements, don't let these delays upset or frustrate you. These types of circumstances are not uncommon in a real estate transaction.


Visit the property after all furnishings have been moved out to be sure there are no surprises. Be absolutely positive the property was left exactly as you had agreed upon in the contract. Things that could have been spotted in a final walk-through are often unintentionally overlooked. only then pay off the outstanding balance

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Mediatrix Hills Site visit

Not much to report this week, with slow progress on the project to build our Dipolog house and lot at Mediatrix hills upper Turno. We did voice our concerns with the Engineer who seemed to think we were still on target for a November completion. We also confirmed the colour of our roof shingles and changed the exterior colour to Sahara Cream. The engineer will send us an artistic impression of the exterior for us to check if we want a two tone effect. It seems that there have been some material supply problems, but they are set to concentrate on the wiring of the ground floor, so hopefully we will see some progress on our next visit.

On our way back to Sindangan we decided decided to look for another route to cut out the city so drove along to Polanco after a bit of a struggle we did eventually find a way to to the Sindangan Dipolog road, which may cut out some of the traffic delays caused by slow moving motorbikes with sidecars which are the main form of transport in Dipolog city.

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Safety in Zanorte

For the most part, Mindanao is a safe destination for your travel. There are some serious exceptions, though. Parts of Mindanao are extremely dangerous, while the majority of the island is such as Zanorte is fairly safe. One thing to remember is that in today's world, there is no place on the entire earth that is perfectly safe. No matter where you go you could be hit with crime, terrorism, natural disaster or some other calamity. This is true in Mindanao as well.

Some places in Mindanao are very dangerous and should be avoided by the average tourist. The United States and United Kingdom have issued travel advisories warning their citizens that travel to Mindanao is dangerous, and perhaps should be avoided altogether. Personally, I feel that in many ways these warnings are overblown, and were mostly issued by people who have never been to Mindanao, and also know little about the place. One needs to take great care for example in Zamboanga City and Basilan, Sulu, or even Cotabato City, I would have to exercise caution. or avoid those areas altogether. There are some places that just are not suitable for tourism. At this point in time, I would say that the entire ARMM (Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao) is in that category.

Dipolog city and Zanorte are safe but you need to use common sense, do not wear expensive jewelry or carry unnecessary cash, be observant when withdrawing cash from ATM's. Avoid driving at night time.

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Lorenzo Gardens

A new phase of development is opening up for people looking for a Dipolog House and lot for sale at Lorenzo gardens in Upper Turno. There is a choice of three different styles to be built on minimum 100Sq M lots.

Zenki allows you to experience the fullness of an ordinary day and still find the fulfillment of success and simplicity. Spaces which speak of the nearness to your loved ones and for practicalities sake gives its occupants effortless movement. Remember the saying big things come out of small packages.

Satori caters for the laid back but at the same time exposes your sophistication. It is functional in the inside but boast eloquence and beauty on the outside. A bungalow for the typical person with lifestyle and class.

Sangha coming for the word community, has the ability to blend in with any type of personality, sensible and practical. During the day pleasant and unnoticed by night when lit up it becomes an instant classic.

All the houses come with 3 bedrooms, two toilets and a carport and are finished to a high standard

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Progress Report

Progress on our Dipolog house and plot seems to have slowed over the past week, as the workers are continuing to pour the cocreate walls, it seems to be slow going with one bucket full at a time needing to be lifted up and poured down the gap.

We did note that conduit pipes for the electrical system had been placed within the shuttering prior to pouring so the wires can be run later. we questioned the onsite engineer regarding the hot water supply and it seems we will have a central tank system. Jasmin also requested a sliding shower screen to be fitted around the bath to avoid flooding the bathroom.

Hopefully when we next go to Dipolog they will be starting work on the top story.

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Monday, August 1, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Buying Property in the Philippines

One thing that makes real estate buying in the Philippines so interesting is the diversity of developers and lots available for purchase… whether it's residential, commercial, industrial or agricultural or farm lots. The choice is yours …is it for your own use as a future residence, office, business, or haven for mangrove.

When buying a Dipolog house and lot in the Philippines, please take into account the following:

1. Deal only with a licensed real estate broker who will have the authority to sell. With utmost honesty and integrity, a licensed broker will be familiar with the properties which he undertakes to sell. He has a working knowledge of land economics, real estate market, legal provision affecting real estate, reading ordinary maps and plans, financing practices in real estate transactions, basic features of land and building construction and the working knowledge of government offices concerned in real estate.

2. Buy properties developed by a reputable company, experienced in real estate development and with very strong financial position. You should look at the people behind the company and the properties they have built. This is an assurance that the property will be turned-over after a definite period of time as stated in the contract (after you made your last payment if you got it on installment).

3. Location is also one factor, you should consider when buying a property for investment since you would always want an area with a good appreciation rate. A good appreciation rate is 20% per annum so that the value of the property will be doubled in 5 years time. This is if you are using the property for investment.

4. The value of the property is determined by dividing the net operating income (NOI) by market capitalization rate so you should consider this factor when buying existing properties. The net operating income is the sum of money you will earn from a property, say by leasing it, less all expenses. The capitalization rate is the net operating income divided by the purchase price of the property.

5. When buying big existing properties, you also need consult a real estate assessor in order to determine the price at which the real estate properties will likely sell in a competitive market.

6. Always beware of fake titles. Copy of the Transfer Certificate of Title preferably certified by the Register of Deeds in the municipality where the property is located. It should be valid and without any defects. It should be free from any liens or encumbrances and annotations. Together with the TCT, the lot plan prepared by the licensed Geodetic Engineer and verified by the Department of Natural Resources (DENR) as well as the copy of tax declaration.

7. Be on the look out for amenities or features such as clubhouse with function halls, fitness gym, swimming pool, children play are, basketball court, badminton and tennis courts and convenience store, wide roads, 24-hr security, fence, electricity and water supply, shuttle service, where the properties are located if it is within a subdivision. Some subdivisions have their churches, schools, stores outside of the church so as to allow more privacy for the residents.

8. Deal only with reputable banking and financial institutions if you intend to borrow money to finance your purchase of properties. Be sure you get the best rate of interest and payment terms.

9. Make regular site inspections of your Dipolog house and lot to remove any doubt you may have or get encouraged by the development undertaken in a particular area.

10. Again, deal with a licensed real estate broker if you desire to resell the property after some time.

Dipolog house and lot for sale