Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Good Progress

What a difference a week makes and despite the bad weather construction of out Dipolog house and Lot for sale are gathering pace. Also we are getting answers to our problems. the crew is hard at work on the roof and this will be completed by our next visit . we notice the bath we had ordered has arrived and yes it does fit, big sigh of relief. Downstairs wiring has commenced and supports for false ceiling are being installed in main living area and carport. The counter bases in the Kitchen and dirty kitchen have been laid.

One of the reasons for our visit was to select new tiles and there is no longer stock of the ones we selected months ago. This is a bit of a blow, and was one of the reasons we expected to see piles of material awaiting installation.

We visited the hardware supplier and I suppose we spent an hour or two picking floor tiles for the main living area originally we had selected off white tiles, then Jasmin selected black with some white streaks, quite modern looking, but I spotted a Brick effect tile, with a slightly roof finish, and having remembered that one or twice I had slipped on shiny tiles in KK, I thought they would not only look nice but also be unique, it was a hard sell for Jasmin but I said we can also rugs/carpet on top if the pattern is too much. we also need to order tiles for the shared bathroom and maids room where we chose a pinkish shade. finally we confirmed our jet type shower was on order.

Tiles will be delivered this week so maybe this is the next stage. the terrace is also taking shape with its low wall and I requested that the engineer put a small doorway from one wall of the terrace in to the roof area above the car port to allow access for extra storage. I questioned if there would be a manhole leading into main room area.

We will soon be at the stage where we can actively start searching for furnishing to complete our new home. Outside work has also commenced on our deco feature of local stone tiles.

So hopefully next week major construction will be completed/

Dipolog house and lot for sale
Sell my House

Life in the Philippines

Life In The Philippines Banking

Life in the Philippines would be perfect if they could get their banking sorted out and centralised. the problem is Banks here do not talk with each other, so if you do business here you need an account with all the major banks so as not to run up charges when moving money from one bank to another.

You will often find services offered by banks in the provinces quite different to those in their head office. I have spent some time search for a bank where I could deposit GBP as I wanted to have easy access locally but keep my main account in UK.

I saw online that BPI (Bank Philippines Islands) had GBP deposit accounts and Internet banking as well as a branch in Dipolog city where I will soon be living so thought this was great. I went into the bank, on my visit to check progress on my Dipolog house and lot for sale, armed with by chequebook together with Identity details, to open an account. Imagine my surprise, when customer services said, I am sorry sir in this branch to can only open a PHP or USD deposit account. I referred them to their website which did not state their were were restrictions for banks in the provinces and I would have thought with a name like BPI they would provide a better services to the various islands. so now I am back to plan B.

Plan B for my banking is to open an HSBC account, now I already know the Philippine version of this bank although on the surface looks the same as banks with the HSBC logo around the world is different, so I have asked them a number of questions and am awaiting their reply. Basically I need to maintain PHP 100,000 in balances across accounts to avoid monthly charges, this is probably ok as it could be used in emergencies. but we will need to see what other charges and benefits they can offer.

Until the next time



Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sell my House

Sell My House

There are good reasons for selling your house directly, such as having full control over the sale and saving agents fees, however some people have a problems with dealing with enquiries from interested purchasers, knowing who had made what offer, who who was coming to view your house for sale and at what time.

When I sold my last house directly, I had bits of paper and notes everywhere, with people phoning at different times it was hard to keep track.

Well my site resolves that situation even before it arises with its built in online Negotiator. You see when a potential buyer is interested in you property, he will contact you via the site by email, so no more phone calls, and also will be prompted to ask some common question such as:-

I'd like to make you an offer
I'd like to see plans/layout of the property
Tell me about local rates/taxes property tax & other costs
Tell me about the neighbourhood/district
What are your neighbours like? e.g. Are they noisy?
Tell me more about safety/crime level in the area
I'm interested in your property
I need additional information please
Are you willing to negotiate on price?
To ask about local schools

This negotiator is a 'cutting-edge' unique and revolutionary software tool that replaces the need for owners to pay sales agents commission making property cheaper to buy. It is a proprietary 'artificially intelligent' virtual estate agent/realtor with differences; it doesn't ask for money; it's honest; hasn't got a sports car to pay for and 'nor does it manipulate negotiations! It seamlessly mediates between Seller & Buyer helping them to communicate and guides both parties through the negotiation process; jargon and hassle free. It doesn't charge a commission or try selling you another house! The negotiator tracks the sale's process constantly keeping you up-to-date displaying current status and messages direct from the Seller. The negotiator is your friend! The negotiator will also track appointments and store notes for you and prompt you along the way, such as when it is time to appoint a lawyer.

David Ogden
+1-386-308-1956 USA Office after 6PM EST
+63-999-114 1149 Philippines 0600-1200hrs GMT +8

Who Is David Ogden   David Ogdens Blog   International Adventurers
Philippines Better Home Based Business   Sell My House and Earn Money

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Progress Update

Yesterday we paid our weekly visit to Mediatrix hills to view progress on our Dipolog house and lot for sale, as we drew up to the office Jasmin noticed that the roof trusses were now in place, but wee had some outstanding issues to be resolved.

We started off by speaking with the site engineer, with reference to the bathroom and if there was room for the chosen bath. Apparently the bath is bigger than the room, now why were we not advised of this before construction was even commenced and why was the Architect not informed of the potential problem. The site engineers answer was that she is responsible for building to the plans, and produced a small comply of the plan which we had signed off as part of the contract, the dimension of the bathroom are not shown. the conversation became quite heated and the engineer fled.

Eventually another women intervened and said she was looking to find a resolution. apparently we are not the first clients to have design problems. I suggested that the problem is the result of clients not seeing the full size plans, or the computer CAD plans, in fact yesterday was the first time I had seen the computer plans in detail and it began to raise more questions as well as answer others. Communications it seems is the issue and perhaps this will be resolved by next week. We raise one new issue regarding what type of shower was to be fitted in the upstairs bathroom as we had chosen a shower with body jets and just wanted to be sure.

Progress on the house has been going on at quite a pace, we arrived during lunch break so workers were lying around sleeping. The shuttering on the downstairs ceiling has been removed and the cocreate poured ceiling is not showing any cracks. We inspected the disputed bathroom and as walls have been completed, we might be forced to fit a corner bath. At first we were concerned about the low wall being built on the terrace as we were expecting metal railings, however having seen the CAD this morning it would seem that a small roof section has been added in order to conceal rain guttering around the terrace. more communications problems.

Dipolog house and lot for sale
Sell my House

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Site Visit Wednesday

We made a visit to our Dipolog house and lot for sale late yesterday on our way back from two monthly visa run to Cagayan de Oro to update my visitors visa. We arrived just as the workmen were about to knock off, we were please to note that pouring of concrete had been going on at a hectic rate, they say many hand make light work, so progress is looking good.

As soon as the hooter sounded the workers scampered off like rats leaving a sinking ship, scrambling up an over the back gate of our gated community in their rush to leave the site.

We spent a little time inspecting the work that has been completed and noticed that there appear to be an 8ins wide ledge outside the master bedroom window which we did not see on the plans. The ledge is part of the arched facial on the front of the house. we will take this up with the site engineer on our visit next week.

We met up with our nearest neighbour who returns to Canada for a couple of years at the end of the week and they said they had been quite interested in the speed of construction, compared with the traditional local hollow block method, which they had not seen before. The neighbours gave us a quick update on what was happening in the community, apparently a Doctor has purchased the plot opposite our Dipolog house for sale an work will be started soon. As mentioned in previous posts the site next to ours has been also cleared ready for construction, maybe that's why we have so many workers working on our site at the moment.

Dipolog house and lot for sale
Sell my House

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

sell my house

Selling you property can be a very time consuming business if you do not get it right and many people prefer to use an Agent or Realtor to save them the time and effort, however there is always the question arising are they value for money. More people are now turning to the Internet and placing their own adverts on classified sites. Where their adverts may be hidden amongst other categories, now I have been marketing on line for many years and know that placing classified ads online just does not bring results.

You need to to have your property information on a site specialising in properties. When I sold my property in Malaysia, I actually built and promoted a website solely to sell my condominium and it worked my property appeared in top search engine results and was sold in a month. compare that with a friend of mine who's apartment in the same condominium which was been marketed by an estate agent and also by his own online placing of classifieds which took over a year to sell.

Not only did mine sell quicker but I got a higher price and saved some 10% in agents fees. Now building a website just to sell one property is not feasible for most people, so the next best thing is to find a property marketing site site which has clients searching for properties.

David Ogden
+1-386-308-1956 USA Office after 6PM EST
+63-999-114 1149 Philippines 0600-1200hrs GMT +8

Who Is David Ogden   David Ogdens Blog   International Adventurers
Philippines Better Home Based Business   Sell My House and Earn Money

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Site Visit

Today we are seeing progress again on our Diplog house and lot. The upper floor has been laid by I am a little worried about the many cracks in the concrete, I am not sure the mixture was right. Work has started on the shuttering of the upper floor

We might have a problem with the bathroom and have asked that the architect checks the dimensions of the bath we have ordered to see that it in. It seems raising the riot act last week may have got them back on course to complete by 7th December.

The site next to us has been sold and a start has been made on clearing the site, however the excavator has removed some of the soil from our lot, so now we have a sloping front garden, down to the road level when we wanted the garden to be the above the road . So we have requested the soil be replaced, whist the excavator is still on site.

We were in a bit of a rush as Jasmin had a plane to catch, but we will revisit on Thursday for another update.

Dipolog house and lot for sale
Sell my House

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I Will Sell Your House For Free

Dipolog house and lot for sale

How to Sell your house for Free

Today I discovered anew company with a unique marketing plan which not only can save people money when moving house but can also be turned into a business. The worlds finances are still in trouble and many people are struggling to sell houses to reduce their debt burden. The problem is there are few buyers and the costs of moving house can mount up quickly. I should know having moved house earlier this year.

  • The company provides a free listing for all sellers and if the property is not sold in 12 weeks pays the seller a small weekly compensation until sold. Sell your house for Free
  • Buyers are also encouraged to use the service and will have legal fees and survey paid plus 50% of removals costs. Look for Property to Buy
That is a win win situation for both parties, but how can they afford all this, the answer is advertising, you see moving home incurs many ancillary costs and companies are only to keen to keen to have advertising on high traffic sites listed in Alexa. On top of which they have a number of international investors.

So now what of the business side, well interested parties can buy a franchise for a particular area and earn commissions on all sales in that area, in addition they can earn money from sub affiliates either in their area or from anywhere in the world.

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Sell my House

Marketing Your Business

Today is a departure from my usual tips, as I discovered new company with a unique marketing plan which not only can save people money when moving house but can also be turned into a business. The worlds finances are still in dire strakes and many people are struggling to sell houses to reduce their debt burden. The problem is there are few buyers and the costs of moving house can mount up quickly. I should know having moved house earlier this year.

  • The company provides a free listing for all sellers and if the property is not sold in 12 weeks pay the seller a small weekly compensation until sold.
  • Buyers are also encouraged to use the service and will have legal fees and survey paid plus 50% of removals costs.
That is a win win situation for both parties, but how can they afford all this, the answer is advertising, you see moving home incurs many ancillary costs and companies are only to keen to keen to have advertising on high traffic sites listed in Alexa. On top of which they have a number of international investors.

So now what of the business side, well interested parties can buy a franchise for a particular area and earn commissions on all sales in that area, in addition they can earn money from sub affiliates either in their area or from anywhere in the world. Now I think they have all angles covered and we will have to see how everything pans out, The only thing I do not like is the early starter Guarantees, which sound a bit get rich quick, but I can understand this is needed in order to get the all areas covered as soon as possible and the guarantees will not last forever.

David Ogden
+1-386-308-1956 USA Office after 6PM EST
+63-999-114 1149 Philippines 0600-1200hrs GMT +8

Who Is David Ogden   David Ogdens Blog   International Adventurers
Philippines Better Home Based Business   Sell My House and Earn Money